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A direct examination of Lauren Boebert’s shameful voting record. Part 1


Much has been written citing the reasons Lauren Boebert is not qualified to lead CO-CD3. In fact, you can’t open the Vail Daily without seeing an op ed railing about how unfit, unqualified, and just downright embarrassing she is. Over the course of 2022, Eagle County Democrats will be delving deeper into Lauren Boebert’s voting record leaving her headline-grabbing

Caption: In a contest of who is more tone-deaf, days after a school shooting, we're not sure who wins.

antics aside. Our aim is to reveal how her voting record does not serve her constituents. For now we will leave you with this. Focus groups in CD3 reveal that Western Coloradoans care most about (1) jobs and the economy (2) access to water as a result of the drought brought about by climate change and (3) the availability of localized, quality healthcare. In light of these legitimate concerns why would Boebert vote against the Build Back Better Act (FYI, a majority of self-identifying CO Republicans, 58%, support Biden’s plans) which:

  • Combats climate change ($57M to expand EV charging networks, $35M to protect against wildfires, vast improvements in public transportation)

  • Creates high paying jobs by including an allotment of $115B for infrastructure improvements (bridge repairs and bridge replacements, airport improvements and expanded access to broadband coverage)

  • Improves water infrastructure and access to safe, clean drinking water with an investment of $668M

These investments just make sense for Western CO. Stay tuned for more about why Boebert is not right for CD3. PLEASE WEIGH IN! WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! SEND YOUR COMMENTS TO INFO@EAGLEDEMS.ORG

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