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A direct examination of Lauren Boebert’s shameful voting record. Part 2.


Updated: Jan 23, 2022

In part one “A direct examination of Lauren Boebert’s shameful voting record” (Eagle County Democrats newsletter, 12/20/21) we cited Boebert’s No Vote on the Build Back Better Act despite the widespread support among Colorado Republicans and the myriad ways the bill helps rural Coloradoans.

In Part 2 we delve into Boebert’s shameful No Votes across a variety of humanitarian issues. Her track record of voting against these widely popular bills serves to demonstrate her lack of a moral compass and misalignment from the values her constituents hold.

Voted no on National Bone Marrow Registry.

The bill reauthorized the National Marrow Donor Program, helping thousands of people diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses such as leukemia and lymphoma by finding matching bone marrow donors. The lone no votes came from Boebert and Taylor-Greene. Boebert cited the expense.

Voted no on the Violence Against Women Act.

This bill offers women protections from domestic violence, sexual assault and other harassment. Why was Boebert a No Vote? The life-saving bill closed the “boyfriend loophole” preventing anyone convicted of stalking from having access to guns.

Voted no on Equal Rights Amendment Ratification.

This bill bans anti-LGBTQ discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodations, jury selection, credit and federal programs. Boebert, in a quote that’s even cuckoo for her, said that the LGBTQ rights bill is about the "supremacy of gays and lesbians and transvestites" above all other Americans. There are approximately 8,500 LGBTQ people in CD3 who are deeply offended by Boebert’s mischaracterization of this important bill.

Voted no: Protect Native Americans from Scams and Protect Seniors from Emergency Scams Act.

20% of residents in CD3 are over 65 so Boebert’s reckless no vote on this bill could expose 150,000 of her constituents to predatory scams targeting older adults.

Voted no: Protecting Senior Workers Against Discrimination.

Nearly 80% of workers aged 40 to 65 have experienced age discrimination in the workplace. The House passed a bill aimed at protecting older Americans in the workforce by making it easier to mount age discrimination suits. Boebert voted against it. Since 39% of residents of CD3 are between the ages of 40 – 69 we’re simply gobsmacked by her stupidity.

Voted no: Increase visas for Afghan Allies:

This bill known as the "ALLIES Act" increased the number of special immigration visas given to Afghans from 11,000 to 19,000 — providing visas to partners of the U.S. Military, Afghan interpreters, guides and other allies that served alongside U.S. forces.

To summarize, for reasons that are impossible to fathom, Boebert voted against women, seniors, Indigenous People, LGBTQ+ people, American allies serving in dangerous war zones and even people with life threatening illnesses – people that reside in her own district! So, we ask CD3 voters, aside from putting lethal weapons in the hands of children and dangerous stalkers, what does she actually stand for?



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