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Senior Initiative of the CO Democratic Party


Updated: Nov 20, 2021

Senior citizens are important because they have the wisdom and knowledge that comes with life experiences. To encourage seniors to learn and participate about areas that effect their lives, the Colorado Democratic Party Central Committee created the Senior Initiative.

Colorado has the 2nd fastest growth of seniors age 65 plus in the nation. And between now and 2040 it is projected to grow by 257%. Wow…that brings on lots of issues that will need attention.

Membership is open to registered Colorado Democrats age 55 and older; we invite you to join our Initiative. Our goal is to reach out to as many seniors throughout Colorado as possible and listen to their concerns and ideas, and engage their participation.

Being involved in all levels of the governing process is important to each of us as we age because the decisions made by others affect our lives on a daily basis.

The Initiative’s goals are to encourage seniors to learn about legislation at all levels of government (Federal, State, County, Municipality), how to voice their opinion, and influence decisions of those we elected to represent us. We plan to have discussion on legislation, what resources are available to us as we age, newsletters, zoom calls with members and elected officials. Your ideas are welcome.

If you wish to become a voting member of the Initiative, our dues are $10 per calendar year and can be paid online at

If you do not wish to join at this time we invite you to join us on our FaceBook page at Senior Initiative Colorado Democratic Party at no charge.

Any questions can be directed to Carolyn Boller at

Thank you joining.

Carolyn Boller, Chair Maria Keenan, 1st VC Nancy Johnson 2nd VC Ana Maria Peters-Ruddick-Secretary Mike Hamrick- Treasurer

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